Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Kidspeak, Episode 1

Teaching kindergarten (and any other grade, really), I hear thousands of (usually unintended) hilarious comments and conversations every week. I decided to attempt to document some of these gems here. Who knows? If my students continue to be funny enough, I may even publish a book one day!


Last week, I was reading a book about Easter to my class, and the author described The Last Supper as one of the events leading up to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. I briefly explained that this is why we celebrate Communion, and that when they are in second grade, they will get to eat the bread and drink the wine...

Child C: (raises hand) Miss L? Is it RED wine?
Me: Yes, it is....
Child C: (grinning from ear to ear) Oh GOOD! I can drink that kind!!

Guess white wine gives him a headache...? :)


I'll be back with more Kidspeak, as I'm sure my students will keep the material coming!

I'm officially on Spring Break after our one day work week! (Tough life, eh?) My interview is today, so send good thoughts/prayers/vibes! Happy Wednesday!

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